So we are now in June - half way through the year. Some of the goals you set at the start of the year may be forgotten, completed or refreshed. Either way this is definitely a month to examine what you have achieved so far!
It is very easy to get caught up in the whole process of going for your goals, but it is vital that when you achieve them that you celebrate it.
Just as important as all of that though is a recognition of the journey you've made. You made a decision to honestly strive towards your resolutions and goals this year...and no matter what has happened in the last 6 months, there is no denying that the journey has given you food for thought along the way.
Perhaps during the remaining part of this month, look at what you have achieved so far - even in some of the situations where you feel you might have not done so well, look for the golden opportunity of learning in it all. It will boost your energy and help you focus on the good things you've achieved, and when you acknowledge that every event has a chance to learn then you know your journey is well worth it!
Keep the faith and get ready for next months blog as we'll be stepping it up for the remaining 6 months of 2008!