Monday, July 6, 2009

What is your attitude to money?

I came across an article recently, outlining how couples managed to cope with the recent changes in the economy and subsequently how their roles changed within the relationship and the stresses it brought with it. What struck me most was how their attitudes towards money from an early start in life, stayed with them throughout...until they noticed it was either working or not working for them. Then they changed it.(The article "When Money Talks", can be read in Psychology Today, June Issue, page 74}.

So how does this relate to you?
What are your beliefs around money?
Are these beliefs radically different from when you were younger?
Have you examined them at any point in your life?

With our situation at present and so many people out of work, we have no choice but to face reality where our finances are concerned. This can be a welcome task if you view it as a chance to tighten your spending, or an extremely daunting task if your beliefs around money are not to your liking.
So what can you do?

The first step is to write down the top 5 beliefs you have about money. For example - 'If you work hard your earn a lot of money' or 'I never have enough of it!'. Once you've done this then examine when this thought first occurred to you. Is there an experience you can remember to back up this belief?
How strong are your emotions around these beliefs?
Does this belief empower you or leave you feeling low and vulnerable?

Once you've identified the beliefs that prevent you from being empowered, it is time to replace them with something that does empower you. If you consider that the beliefs you repeat to yourself around money are in effect MANTRAS, how positive or negative are they? Write down the top 5 beliefs you'd like to have in place from here on in, for example - 'I always have money to pay bills easily' or 'I earn money easily and love the work I do'. The key here is to NOTICE how reading or saying this new belief makes you feel. At first it might feel alien but if you tie it into an action it will become easier. For example, when you go to pay your next bill, repeat a possible new belief of 'I pay my bill with ease and feel empowered by it'.

Consider the option that the economy has given you a chance to rexamine your situation and attitudes towards money. How were you when you had a constant flow of money?...did you stop and consider your attitude and beliefs or did you just keep going as you didn't need to.
Our economy will eventually now is a great time to start getting financially fit in regards to your attitudes and beliefs around money so that you thrive in a healthier way when your bank balance does blossom again.