Isn't it funny how you can be an enthusiast about a hobby in your 20's and then find that later in your life this passion was simply dropped and forgotten about? Isn't it strange that the very interest that gave you purpose and a sense of happiness was the first thing to go when life got serious and busy?
How many times have you found yourself simply choosing to 'take care of the responsibilities' rather than taking the time to revisit the hobbies and interests that gave you a spark and inspired you. I often find that over time, you may be lucky enough to revisit and rediscover your passion, and fully engage with this long lost creativity that gave energy to your weary soul. In some cases though people feel silly revisiting this aspect of themselves, seeing it as self indulgent nonsense, and dismiss it for the gift that it is.
You can't deny your creative urges. You can't keep them under wraps for your entire life. You can choose to ignore it but it is harder to do this than it is to actually embrace it. Why is this so important you might ask?...because it is part of who you are. In denying your creativity you deny your true essence. You deny part of your soul and you ultimately deny yourself a chance to fully embrace life and all its colours. Having a creative outlet is as necesary as breathing, it provides you with a chance to explore, dream and be yourself 100%. We all have it, it isn't exclusive and it isn't always about being able to draw well or paint well. Creativity comes in so many different forms and shapes, and if you find yourself unsure what your outlet is then simply allow yourself to be open to ideas on how to express yourself. It could be writing a story, a poem, photography, doodling, knitting, painting, gardening, dressing up, dancing or singing!...who knows! The point is to give it a chance to breathe and you'll find yourself more full of life, energy and happiness in the long run.