Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Finding your mojo again

It is a funny thing how as we get older, we tend to let life and its stresses overcome us and distract us from the very activities that keep us sane. As we gain balance and return to some sense of normality, we continue on our journey and don't seem to pick up our sanity buffers again. We either just forget about them and then one day we start listening to some music we haven't heard for a while, and wonder when did we decide to stop listening to this in the first place?
I've had a few moments like these over the years. Slowly, I'm learning to pick up my sanity buffers again and retain them this time. I don't recall giving myself permission to dump them in favour of stress, but yet I know it happened along the way. What is lovely however, is rediscovering the joy of why you liked doing something in the first place.
While on facebook I noticed this great link to 'finding your voice again' by Tara Sophia Mohr. It echoes what has sometimes occurred in my own life, in relation to art, and is worth reading. It's good to question your mindset and give yourself a chance to reset it if you find it isn't working for you. Finding your mojo again is part of living a happy life.
LINK - http://taramohr.com/2011/01/getting-your-voice-back/

Monday, May 30, 2011

Getting in the right frame of mind

It's Monday. Most people associate the day Monday with going back work, school, beginning a tough week...generally it is quite negative. I woke up thinking 'another week' and then thought, 'what if this week was fantastic?'. Not a common thought I know, but what if? What if this was the most amazing week and it turned out Monday became the best day ever?
How could I repeat it if Monday suddenly became associated with the opportunity to have a great week? Perhaps by just waking up and considering the first thought that came into my head, I could alter the whole perspective process on this day. So today is an experiment. It is Monday. I'm thinking positively and resisting the urge to say 'urgh, Monday' and going with the 'great! Monday!' vibe instead. Let's see what happens! : )

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Do you see things clearly?

Check out the link and see what you think about it. Isn't it funny how many times perception comes up when dealing with coaching? Life really is about how you perceive things to be. You create your own reality and continue to see what you what to see, what you put your attention on.
Is it any surprise then when you step outside for a moment to see the bigger picture, that you end up with an 'AH HA!' moment? It is easy for life to get in on us and blur our vision to the point where we can't see what is really in front of us. Some days it is crystal clear, and in those moments of clarity life is wonderful. With conscious effort though, taking the time to see the full picture as much as possible would help those sweet moments of clarity become more frequent. Helpful reminders in the link attached, at least remind you that it's easy to sleepwalk! : )

Friday, May 20, 2011

Happiness is Contagious

This little site came to my attention recently via a link sent by a friend. The original link was focusing on how the media have a strong tendancy to lean on the side of fear when reporting the news. This is evident in the curious answer of a news reporter to a question about when was the last time a story of hope similar to the Chilian miners had so much coverage. His response was, Apollo 13...back in the 1970s.
It is a curious thing that often good news isn't reported. It tends to be more about what jobs are going down the shoot and then kind of leaps on from there. Imagine how much more energy you could generate for yourself by hearing some news that focused on hope and happiness?
Either way, one daily thought on a happy note might be a good place to start! :)

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Being an Artist

Born like an Artist - by a Norwegian artist called IdaEva (Jellyvampire.deviantart.com)
A rare little jem of a comic, which simply, beautifully and gently embraces the ups and downs of realising your artistic mind. Creativity is a wonderful thing, and all too often we either suppress it or ignore it or try to fit it into a shape that simply doesn't work.
Visit the link to give your soul a rest and enjoy! : )