Zen - by Tommie Kelly Visit: www.tommiekelly.com for more art
Tommie Kelly went all zen this week on the www.irishcomicnews.com website. It was in fact, an inspired moment of truth and clarity if I'm to be honest, and sums up the highs and lows of a journey in any creative field. It could be said that the last couple of years have sparked a 'knowing your own truth' journey for a lot of people on the planet. Connecting with your creative truth is a big part of that journey.
People often say that artistic skills are 'talent' and people are born with it. Well I firmly believe this isn't the case. It is something you can learn, and like other skills, sometimes there can be more of an affinity with a particular pursuit than another...but without applying time, energy and focus on it then it would simply cease to be a well honed skill.
It can be easy to become disheartened during the down times of the cycles that occur with creativity and any other part of your life for that matter. There is however, one truth that remains - this too shall pass. Not going to go all holy here, but this just about sums up any bad patch or low energy or uninspired spell you find yourself going through.
Everything has cycles, stick it out long enough and you might start to see patterns forming! When that happens it can be reassuring and also invaluable as a way to find the door out. :)