Tuesday, March 6, 2012

My Tree is NOT for sale

(Image taken from http://coilltefarmforestryinvest.ie/Coillte_Investment_Schemes/146)

Facebook is normally a good place to catch up with friends while avoiding some hard work...but this morning I found a message calling me to join a cause in relation to Trees.

Ireland used to be full of wonderful green trees which unfortunately were not kept as a valuable part of our country. They were in the way of ESB poles & housing estates...removed in the name of progress.

In the period of growth brought on by the Celtic Tiger, mindless culling of trees to make way for dull, souless apartment blocks or toytown housing estates became something of a sore point for me. I felt helpless watching it and also felt decidedly heartbroken as some of the trees being cut down could have been avoided.

Our remaining forests and woodlands are currently being used as currency by the government. In 2000 the people of Ireland were given a tree to celebrate the Millenium. Now it appears that this gift is being taken back.

On this occassion I don't want to roll over and play dead about it. I want my tree to remain in place, with its roots firmly in the soil and with it's branches providing a home possibly to any number of creatures.
So today I'm asking people to go visit http://www.causes.com/causes/654077-my-tree-is-not-for-sale/about and if possible JOIN.

Being able to take a stand on this when so much of what has happened in this country feels like its beyond your control or grasp, makes me feel good. IT's a small stand, granted..but it is still a stand.

I want to see a positive impact from this cause because, well simply put...