Friday, January 9, 2009

January means business!!

Wow...January definitely means business. The whole theme for the month seems to be very focused on clarity, truth and honesty. If you deviate from these values it seems you are in for conflict. Some serious life lessons this month too, and it isn't even the 10th January!
This start has seen me lose a close member of the family, and during a time when we would normally celebrate birthdays. It has been and still is difficult, and will be for some time. What struck me the most during this very difficult time was the sheer love and support generated by family and friends. Simply staggering and amazing and so very much appreciated. It was very beautiful to witness it.
It also made me ponder a lot on 'Are you ever prepared for the end?'. This in turn led to the thoughts of how much we let time slip by and how many times we'll put off doing something or saying something simply because it seems easier at the time.

As the energy projected for this year is BEAUTIFUL and I can honestly say I've experienced it already, perhaps we can look towards 2009 with the following in mind:
1. Take the time to stop and recognize the good things in your life.
2. Aim for this year to be about creating beauty in your life, on as small a scale as possible to as big as you want.
3. Stay clear, focused and remain truthful and open to change.

So far we have begun to see the whole world experiencing change on a grand scale. With such radical change ripples occur and people are finding themselves having to look for new work or change tactics completely. Change can be unsettling for most people because it often forces us to look at our lives and examine our situations with more CLARITY, FOCUS and TRUTH than before. It can be an awkward growth but if you can stop and see it as a chance to make your life more beautiful...then the world can take on a different colour altogether.

Perhaps your resolutions can be based around being willing and open to the change ahead, being clear on your intentions for the coming year and being prepared to be honest with yourself on whether you are focused enough to fulfill them. Keeping your resolutions small might be the best for the earlier part of the year so you can adjust to any sudden changes that might occur and can allow any adjustments to take place at each turn when needed and without drama or conflict with yourself!

As for an alternative view on the above, there is a Full Moon on the weekend which is a great time to sow new seeds/ideas.

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