Monday, February 15, 2010


There are many sites, books and youtube inputs into the art of manifesting what you want in your life. The more I read about it the more I see that the repeat message is simple. Put your attention on your intention. The application of it however is another story altogether.
This year is all about manifesting what you want in your life. The energy for 2010 is very much about bringing the very things you are focusing on in your life, into a reality for you.
It all sounds wonderful doesn't it? The only thing here is that the world and the energy involved with the manifestations doesn't discern between the good and the bad! So if you choose to put your attention on negative situations and outcomes, the universe will happily deliver your intention, because that is what you put your attention on.
So how do we make good use of all this energy around us? How do we manifest the good stuff and do away with the bad?
We start getting very, very clear on what it is we focus on. What are we thinking about right now? When we ask for a specific outcome or event, do we doubt that we'll get it?
This is one of those years where we are going to have to put OUR ENERGY into becoming very aware of what we focus our thoughts on. We have to catch ourselves when we find our doubts creeping in, we have to adjust ourselves when our thoughts slide into a negative 'it'll never happen for me' pattern.
It requires work. It requires effort. It requires faith.
Most of all, and this is the bit I particularly like, if you've had a life time of it not working then celebrate the fact that you at least know how to manifest! So if the negative has been the focus in your life, and you've succeeded in making it so...isn't it time to flip it around and give the positive a shot? If you put in the same effort who knows what fabulous turn arounds will come from it! : )

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