Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Energy Awareness

"We assumed that living in the Now meant living in a very calm and blissful state, and it does mean that – but until we get used to it it’s a bit like living without a watch after a lifetime of having one attached to your wrist. You don’t have your usual point of reference to anchor you. We are connecting to a new point of reference, an inner point. Until we get used to that, it can sometimes feel like we’re floating in a bubble not attached to anything in particular. This simultaneously feels really blissful and yet a little bit scary because we’re used to having anchors and attachments and something to hold our reality together. At first we may interpret it as ‘My brain has disappeared’, ‘I can’t focus or concentrate on anything’, ‘I can’t hold my thoughts together/string a sentence together’ and ‘Everything feels so vague and foggy’. This ‘no time’ business is like being an astronaut who has to get used to zero gravity – it’s cool but strange." This is a very powerful message that struck a cord with me very strongly, especially the bubble bit! There are many energies knocking about at the moment, and they're not all great. Keeping your own clear and understanding your own energy, can at least help you determine whether a change in energy is yours or an influx of energy from another source. To some this all might sound a little airy fairy, yet, deep down they do sense there is something 'off' and 'happening'...and can't argue that they do feel it. I have had a lot of conversations with people that wouldn't normally be open to alternative ways of seeing the world, and yet they're talking in terms of energy shifts! In light of all these changes it is good to keep yourself informed as much as possible. Sites that I have found very helpful over the years are and the extract above can be found in it's full message on the site by Dana Mrklich. Linda from the mindfulhealing site sends a wonderful newsletter to keep you informed on changes, which is what alerted me to Danas message, so it is well worth signing up for it. I just wanted to share this case anyone out there is feeling a tad off centre and wondering what is going on at the minute. The weather in Ireland is definitely an indicator of odd energy shifts, particularly in the strange temperature drops and heavy rain in July! Anyway, it's good to get a lot of perspectives on it all, then you can form your own opinion and get a sense of what is true for you in all this.

Friday, June 29, 2012


Over the last little while I've had David Bowies 'changes' song in my head. So with this prompting of a song the internet was searched over a period of days in order to get any insights on what energies are currently effecting us. What I found was a fantastic range of websites offering up various forms of the same message. We're changing. We're evolving out of the ego, whether we want to or not. It started a while back and this year is effectively the time where we begin to fully integrate all these changes and live as a more enlightened and evolved being. Everyone is going to read it differently, simply because we are all experiencing the journey differently. No one is going through the same experience because in this we are truly unique. One strong message however is that the change is happening with our without our consent! Any emotion or belief you've been holding on to that prevents you from moving or becoming enlightened, will be challenged...and finally released. For some this will be completely obvious and a liberating experience, one where they fully engage with what is occuring even though it might be challenging. For others it will sound like hippy talk and the resistance to it can be expressed as anger, frustration and lashing out at others. Whatever way you find yourself experiencing this energy, it's something that is happening to everyone. Its purpose is to remind us that we are all connected and that connection needs to be reset. We need to remember our connection to one another and realise that we all count. No one person is special or better than another. As the new you emerges during this phase, be kind to yourself and realise that we are all on this journey. Be kind to others without taking on their energy, as it prevents them from learning their own truth and the lessons to help them make change happen.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Mind over matter and Beliefs

Image courtesy of Firetongue81 on google images search Over the last few weeks I've noticed that various videos and youtube clips are appearing, demonstrating the sheer strength of the human spirit in overcoming adversity. There are plenty of such stories out there but the two in particular that reached out and spoke to me this week were Claire Lomas & Arthur Boorman. Claire is paralysed from the chest down after a riding accident and finished the London Marathon after 16days. Arthur a disabled veteran from the Gulf War, began embarking on a yoga practice that helped him walk and run without crutches. I'm going to speak from my own personal truth here as everyone is going to have a different connection or experience with it. What struck me about both stories was the sheer determination to overcome their challenges and the way that a belief can change and inspire them to act. Claires belief in being able to complete it led to others believing in her and her family and team around her supported her in this belief. At the end of the marathon, as she hadn't completed it on the day the organisers didn't offer up a medal to her. However, a runner that did complete on the day came forward and offered his. This type of generosity coupled with an against the odds story of overcoming a massive challenge was extremely moving. It completely got to me and I was moved to act in some way. All I felt I could do at that moment was donate to charity, so I did. The second story of Arthur however, comes at a time when I got up to another rainy day in May, wondering when could I get out and go for a walk and felt decidedly groggy and fed up. Yoga has been an on/off practice for a couple of years and despite feeling good after doing it, it's always last on my list to do. So here is Arthur Boorman. An overweight disabled veteran with damaged legs, who accepted the diagnosis of not being able to walk without support again as 'fact'. He sought help. He didn't get it as no one believed that he could do yoga with his condition. Finally, one yoga teacher who met him felt compelled to help although he wasn't sure how. It wasn't easy, but the results in the video are amazing. Here, once again, is a demonstration of how belief in yourself can move mountains. What really stood out for me was that it only took 1 person to show a belief in Arthur for him to become inspired to change. Louise Hay has many books about being able to heal yourself, and how supressed unexpressed emotional pain can lead to physical problems,illnesses and disease. I think both the stories above, for me anyway, wake me up to the power of a belief and the true strength of the human spirit. It's easy to forget how strong we actually are when limbs are working fine and the challenges in our lives are few. Wouldn't it make sense to wake up now, and use these wonderful gifts to change around anything that isn't working? In the meantime, I am eternally grateful for those facing challenges that are willing to share their journey to assist with the worlds awakening. It is not only a gift but it is a true testament and timely reminder of what the human spirit can be and can do. I for one get humbled by it everytime and get inspired to drop my limiting beliefs. (Arthurs video is in the side bar section for youtube)

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

The Art of being Organised

Image courtesy of www.present& Over the last while I have slowly, and I mean very very slowly, been getting things organised again. It feels like it all just slid away over the last few months and despite some half attempts to put it right it just never felt sorted. So today, having found myself awake since 4am due to fits of coughing as a sticky cold and throat infection loses it's grip, I am finding an energy returning. It feels alien, and yet it feels oh so good. So one of the first things I tend to do in a bid to organise my space, is to change my space. This can have mixed results and takes effort. Luckily the heavy lifting and moving about occurred before the cold, so at least that moving chore is over and done with. What did get left aside was a massive pile of papers, tons of pencils and oversized folders with no home. As an artist, it is amazing how much paper you can accumulate and it really takes time to go through and edit it down properly. Some bits of paper are throw away scribbles and warm ups, but there are some gems that help you see your progress and development, and my version of tidy can sometimes mean chucking everything. In my early morning internet browse I came across this site called www.present& It was like a rainbow shone straight into my room and onto the screen. It is a nerdtastic site for all things to do with being organised. One item in particular is what has sparked this new revolution to set my files in order. It is the tiered pencil case which holds 4 levels of compartments and keeps things in their place. It spoke to me and reminded me how much calmer and balanced I am when my space is in order. That goes for the files on my computer too, they're in need of a revamp and the hard drive wouldn't mind the clean up probably. So in light of my return to some energy, I am aiming to clean, organise and put files in order. Perhaps it might be good use of your time to look around and see what mess you're putting up with. What drain on your energy is occurring that could be fixed with some time and attention? What type of space are you working in right now? Is it clean, clear and uncluttered? Do you know what's on your PC? All I do know is that there is an art to being organised, and it is worth practising it.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Holistic Fair, Kettle Hotel, Swords

Just a heads up that Katie Burtons Flower Remedies will be featuring at the above event, and will be promoting a range of remedies as well as other products infused with various remedies. I highly recommend that you take some time to go visit this if you can, as it looks like it's going to be a really varied and interesting fair. You can check out her facebook page here - and her website is (for some reason bloggers links are not working so please copy and paste links into your browser)

Friday, April 13, 2012

What are you forgetting about yourself?

As we get older and more responsibility appears at our feet, it is very easy to start sacrificing aspects of what you do or enjoy in order to get other tasks done. I can only imagine what this must feel like having a family to contend with as childrens needs will almost always come first.
One thing that interests me however, is how certain aspects of ourselves are dropped without us even knowing it. When was the last time you read a good book or listened to your favourite music? How much would you consider this a frivolous time waste or a luxury of spending time in a way that you don't have?
It amazes me how many times we allow this to happen, until one day we wake up so to speak, and find ourselves with a lost sense of self. It happens. It then takes effort to revisit what made us excited about the world, and in doing this we see how many small pockets of joy we discarded in order to look after someone else or just get the job done.
I've attached a link which reminded me very strongly of the importance of retaining aspects of ourselves that bring us joy. In this case it is music, and the simple act of hearing some songs that were from a mans youth, puts him back in that state of happiness.
It's very easy to let things slide and give up joyous things unconsciously. It's even more important to salvage these jems and ensure they're part of your every day being so you remember who you really are.
LINK - (and if that doesn't work check out the side bar for the youtube video of 'Old Man in nursing home reacts to music from his era'.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

My Tree is NOT for sale

(Image taken from

Facebook is normally a good place to catch up with friends while avoiding some hard work...but this morning I found a message calling me to join a cause in relation to Trees.

Ireland used to be full of wonderful green trees which unfortunately were not kept as a valuable part of our country. They were in the way of ESB poles & housing estates...removed in the name of progress.

In the period of growth brought on by the Celtic Tiger, mindless culling of trees to make way for dull, souless apartment blocks or toytown housing estates became something of a sore point for me. I felt helpless watching it and also felt decidedly heartbroken as some of the trees being cut down could have been avoided.

Our remaining forests and woodlands are currently being used as currency by the government. In 2000 the people of Ireland were given a tree to celebrate the Millenium. Now it appears that this gift is being taken back.

On this occassion I don't want to roll over and play dead about it. I want my tree to remain in place, with its roots firmly in the soil and with it's branches providing a home possibly to any number of creatures.
So today I'm asking people to go visit and if possible JOIN.

Being able to take a stand on this when so much of what has happened in this country feels like its beyond your control or grasp, makes me feel good. IT's a small stand, granted..but it is still a stand.

I want to see a positive impact from this cause because, well simply put...

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Flower Remedies

(image taken from

Over the years I've tried a number of different approaches to helping oneself heal or mend from various things life throws at you. These curveballs can be serious humdingers if I do say so myself and can knock you off balance in a small or very big way.
During these stressful periods, I've found aromatherapy and flower remedies to be a great help. You may be familiar with rescue remedy, it's more well known and seems to be a cover all distresses type of mix.
In the past year I've begun to use the help of specialists in these fields. Prior to this it was more of a self diagnosis using online sites such as Back Flower remedies. From various descriptions you'd figure out the best flower for the distress and then buy an independent batch of it.
I'm finding it much more productive to go to a specialist in the field though. Having someone familiar with flower properties and someone that create a remedy tailored for your own needs at that time, is invaluable. It is something that I now put down on my list as 'self care' instead of it being a luxury indulgence.
Luckily enough I have a specialist in my locality who is absolutely brilliant at her job, Katie Burton, and she runs the locally.
The difference it has made to my own mental health and wellbeing is definitely measureable for me. Katie also uses Reiki to assist with balancing your energy to facilitate healing which combined with the flower remedies is a powerful combination.
For me personally, knowing that I was allowing my mind and body to process difficult emotions and release them safely with the assistance of properties from a mix of flowers, really helped the healing process of working through grief in many ways.
Many people may shy away from such options and consider them too far out, but the healing properties of flowers and herbs isn't something made up in the last decade or so. I feel it is more a return to a wise way of operating, using nature to restore balance in body and mind. It is defintely something I recommend you at least give a shot once in your life. :)

Friday, February 17, 2012

I need a montage!

(image taken from

Tension is who you think you should be. Relaxation is who you are.
~Chinese Proverb

So this is a week full of interesting challenges to say the least. A recent return to study has presented me with a variety of little mountains to climb in the last while. Learning new programmes and catching up with new technology linked with the course has been testing in between fighting my own demons around study.
I'm not unfamiliar with deadlines, but had forgotten about the level of stress that can occur in those headless chicken moments! Just when you think you're moving forward and ticking the box of getting something done, you get feedback. Sometimes it's not easy to hear it but you've gotta hear it. So this week was the feedback of 'bin it'. Knowing and admitting when something isn't working is good. You know when you've put your best foot forward, and deep down you know when you haven't. Sometimes you present things dressed up as your best effort, when really it's a job finished fast to just get it done.
What feedback shows is that people care enough to actually take the time to call you out on this. They can see it isn't your best work or that you're nearly there with the idea but just have to tweak it.
It's reassuring to know there are people in your life that are happy to do this. In case you've come across a similar situation, here are some questions that you can always ask yourself. Although I wouldn't consider my situation a 'hard time', the 3 questions by Deepak Chopra do help to get your head straight and get out of the ego mindset:
1. Is this a problem I should fix, put up with or walk away from?
2. Who can I consult who has solved the same problem successfully?
3. How can I reach deeper into myself for solutions?

It's probably best that you go visit the site to read the questions and Deepaks response in it's proper context. Either way, they're great questions to use to regroup and refocus to move you away from feeling sorry for yourself and into taking positive action.

(Copy and paste the link -

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Understanding Emotions

(image courtesy of

Oprahs site can be unbelievably hard to navigate through as there are so many links and brilliant bits to read it's easy to end up far from the original page you wanted to view!
Subscribing cuts this problem out to some degree. So this week I found a brilliant article in my emails from the site about understanding your emotions surrounding reaching for your dreams.
As a coach, when setting goals for myself or with a client, the focus can be more placed on motivating and maintaining a positive frame of reference to get to the end. Via this article however, the flip side of this was examined. It made for some really thought provoking reading!
What really struck me is how often people, myself included, just won't LET themselves get what they want. They have the goal, they go for it, and then they stop short. They give it a shot but perhaps don't fully succeed, then the goal/dream is left alone with citings of valid reasons for why it wasn't meant to be.
So by falling short or giving up, what emotions are we resisting or dodging? Even when it gets hard, what are we most scared of and what are we avoiding?
There are 4 approaches to dealing with it, and I recommend giving it a shot (copy link to go to the page -
It can be really refreshing to sit with yourself in honest conversation and greet the fearful emotions that hold you back. It may not result in you rocket launching yourself into your goals but it does lighten the load and get you moving again.

Seek truth and you will find a path. ~Frank Slaughter

We do not err because truth is difficult to see. It is visible at a glance. We err because this is more comfortable. ~Alexander Solzhenitsyn

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

What are you thinking?

(image courtesy of as a quote from Ghandhi you can put on a t-shirt)
Thoughts create your reality. So what kind of thoughts are you thinking then? Are they positive or are they mostly neutral or dull or negative? Are you focused on poverty, lack of, being ill, being happy, being okay right now?
Maybe it is time to take a 'time out' moment and examine those thoughts. These same messages keep coming across the internet and books and podcasts and workshops that connect in with coaching and self help. It is US that creates our reality. What we put our attention on we get more of. What we keep focusing on in our thoughts, ultimately evolve to become our reality - a self fulfilling prophesy.
So how can a person pause long enough to switch tracks and start creating the life they really want? It seems the best place to start is with your thoughts. :)
Click on the link here to get a brilliantly uplifting video on all this and also more resources on how to change your thinking.
(You'll have to copy and paste into your browser)
Put effort in, make a decision to change your is as easy or as difficult as you want it to be. Personally, I have good days when all this stuff makes perfect sense and the dots get connected. Then there are days when my thoughts are swamped by less positive waves, and it can be hard to get out of that least that's what I think when I'm in it!! Now I'm beginning to think otherwise, so will definitely be putting it to the test. :)

Monday, January 16, 2012

The Work

Some of you may have heard of 'The Work' with Byron Katie, and may be familiar with her books. Some of you may not however, so I'll give you a brief run down on what it all is.
The Work, is created by Byron Katie, and through a series of questions Katie asks you to question thoughts that are giving you stress. These can range from thoughts around job loss, relationship issues, self issues or general anger, bemusement, frustration or other emotion you feel against the world. With these thoughts in your mind, she then invites you to starting writing it down on paper and apply a series of questions and turnarounds in order to examine them.
The beauty about The Work, is that it starts off judgemental. We are judging all the time, so rather than side step this fact, it is approached head on. However, and this is the bit that really is brilliant, you are asked to then question these thoughts via a series of simple questions and examine the stories generated behind them.
Over the years, this whole process has helped me in heaps of situations. When I was first introduced to it by my own Life Coach, I thought she was nuts! I read through it and thought 'what the hell is this?? What nonsense!!' and put the whole thing out of my head for a year or two.
When I came back to it, I had done some 'work' on myself with opening up to new ways of looking at the world, done some re-evaluating on how life was being lived and was probably in a better place to understand what was being asked.
Re-reading it blew me away. The simplicity in the questions, the realization of how much drama was involved with the stories being made me laugh out loud! Ever since then, I do my best to remember to revert to The Work when life and my thoughts are getting on top of me or stressing me out.
The website is brilliant, super supportive and offers free videos and free booklets and downloads to assist you. It is worth visiting and giving a go: (link may not work so please copy & paste into your browser)
This year I found out Katie will be having an event in Dublin. Tickets are going to be available on the day only and I am so going to be there. This is one gig I am already looking forward to and it is only January!! :)

Friday, January 13, 2012

ADD and what does it mean exactly

Found this link via a tweet from a comic artist. Tyler Page is currently creating a comic book online journeying his experience with being diagnosed as ADD from a young age.
As an adult, he finds himself experiencing the same traits of the disorder despite being told that this is something that he'd grow out of.
If you have a few minutes during your lunch hour or in the evening, or just have time right now, go check it out. It is an insightful and interesting read and I found myself just wanting to know more about it. So many kids are diagnosed with it along with additional add ons of HD and autism. It does provoke you to start wondering what types of medications are given as solutions and their long term implications on health.
(the link may not work so please copy and paste it into your browser)

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Spiritual Energy of the Year - AWAKEN

(image courtesy of the site)

Over the last number of years I've subscribed to this link from
The Inner Expansion Group have been around for quite a number of years, and I've had the chance to attend some of their workshops when in Dublin. Every time they've been uplifting and particularly helpful in assisting with clearing and focusing energy. Previously they sent a newsletter containing the energy of the day and month, but now they've made it available to a wider audience online.
This is one of those sites that is down to earth, practical and uplifting all at the same time. Understanding how energy works and how you can best use it can be particularly helpful as you can use the energy at the start of the year to get a grip on where you are and what you would like to change in your life.
There are many positive sites out there on the web, but in this case this is one of those sites that I just keep coming back to as it is spiritually uplifting every time.
So this year is all about AWAKEN. Go to the site to get all the info on it and find out what kind of energy the month holds. I hope you get something from it too.