Tuesday, January 24, 2012

What are you thinking?

(image courtesy of zazzle.com as a quote from Ghandhi you can put on a t-shirt)
Thoughts create your reality. So what kind of thoughts are you thinking then? Are they positive or are they mostly neutral or dull or negative? Are you focused on poverty, lack of, being ill, being happy, being okay right now?
Maybe it is time to take a 'time out' moment and examine those thoughts. These same messages keep coming across the internet and books and podcasts and workshops that connect in with coaching and self help. It is US that creates our reality. What we put our attention on we get more of. What we keep focusing on in our thoughts, ultimately evolve to become our reality - a self fulfilling prophesy.
So how can a person pause long enough to switch tracks and start creating the life they really want? It seems the best place to start is with your thoughts. :)
Click on the link here to get a brilliantly uplifting video on all this and also more resources on how to change your thinking.
(You'll have to copy and paste into your browser)
Put effort in, make a decision to change your life...it is as easy or as difficult as you want it to be. Personally, I have good days when all this stuff makes perfect sense and the dots get connected. Then there are days when my thoughts are swamped by less positive waves, and it can be hard to get out of that funk...at least that's what I think when I'm in it!! Now I'm beginning to think otherwise, so will definitely be putting it to the test. :)

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