Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Putting Time and Energy into a good Routine

Despite fluctuations in the job market, it seems to be slowly but surely coming back to a reasonable state. In the meantime, being out of work can present a sense of loss of a decent routine. Small daily tasks that would once have been part of the flow in-between your working schedule, now become a main focus.
Adopting a routine from the start may seem easy at first, but if you find yourself out of work for a long period of time the routine can become irregular. If you have children then a routine is probably already dictated for you. If you don't though, then it is even more important to establish a sense of routine to ensure your TIME and ENERGY are used wisely.
So, what kind of routine would be good in this situation?
Getting up early, dressing well and going for a walk if possible

Setting small, medium and large tasks for the day and week

Have a task sheet with the above on it so you can mark them off as you complete them

Set a time for personal, business and social aspects of your life

Reward yourself at the end of the week for the tasks you've completed

It is important to recognise that when you are out of work your activity levels drop drastically. As a result your ENERGY goes and you waste TIME more easily. It is very easy to become lethargic about your situation, and depending on the responses you get while looking for work, it can play havoc with your confidence and self esteem. By establishing some control on where you put your ENERGY and how you spend your TIME, you can empower yourself greatly and automatically change your mindset to be more open to finding creative solutions. It also means that your approach to basic tasks becomes healthier, less ENERGY and TIME is wasted on the small details and you can focus on the bigger tasks and goals to improve your situation as best you can.
It puts you back in control of your life and what you want to create in it.