Tuesday, October 6, 2009


Halloween is known as the ancient Celtic New Year. It is an ideal time to perform rituals and prepare for the winter months ahead while taking stock of the harvest and celebrating it. How can this tradition be applied to the modern world?

If we were to take it as an opportunity of 'taking stock', we could realise the many areas of our lives that we are thankful for. It is easy to get caught up in the many things we lack at present, in particular our finances. It is also easy to forget to focus on the important and small details of our lives that don't involve money yet provide joy when your attention is put on them.

For this month maybe try to do the following:
Take stock of where you are right now
Perform a ritual to release anything from your life that no longer works
Turn your focus to what IS working in your life
Use this focus to plan for your winter

There is no question that this year is proving to be a challenging and difficult time for everyone, and yet the lessons some of us have learned so far could perhaps not have been learned any other way.

What are you grateful for in your life right now?
Do you have a ritual such as eating a meal together as a family or couple?
How often do you focus on the good in your life?
How often do you choose to focus on the negative?
What harvest would you like to see next year?
How can you take the first step to ensuring the next years harvest is better?
What can you do with your current situation to bring joy into it?

Asking questions is always the first step to finding a clear, truthful and real path out of your current situation. Answering them in a clear, truthful and real manner will empower you to move and change as is needed to improve your situation.

September was about reviewing your situation, let October be about planning your next phase and moving forward.