Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Getting Creative with Change

November can be quite a gloomy month by all accounts. It is the biggest stretch before Christmas for some, while it can be a nutty month of shopping and Thanksgiving for others. On top of that we have the global situation of an economy which is not as healthy as it once was.
Every direction we hear of someone being let go, laid off or offered a redundancy package...if it hasn't happened directly to you that is! I know this situation first hand, and have been grappling with a way on how best to turn it all around.
So here's my thinking.
This whole situation can be viewed from an entirely different place if we put our minds to it. We're not going to stick our heads in the sand, but we can approach it all from a more open point of view.
'Thats all fab' I hear you say, 'but what about the mortgage and the bills??'...well consider the following. Perhaps you've been in your job for some time, were getting comfortable and possibly pushing thoughts out of your head of changing or following the dream you had.
Maybe NOW is the RIGHT TIME to start thinking about those things again. Change is scary for most people, and it is especially scary when it is forced upon you when you've had little time to ponder on whether you're okay with it, let alone prepared.
So to avoid the panic try the following:
Keep some sort of proper daily routine
Look for 'cover work' while you establish your next step
Dig out that dream again
Start a vision board

The key point in all of this is to keep yourself focused on the positive, embrace the change, allow for the bills to be paid by getting any work, and give yourself the chance to adapt to the new situation without thinking it is a permanent change. The vision board will allow you to focus on the bigger picture - casually and without unecessary pressure being added...and remember, change is a good thing, even when it might not feel that way. It is an opportunity to start a NEW CHAPTER in the book of YOU. You get to decide what way you want to write it.

This involves getting images from papers and magazines of how you'd like to see your new career or life move forward. Maybe you fancy working in a bigger office, or owning your own business...any picture, colour or words that reflect this can be put on the board. You're creating a strong image of what you want in the future. When you do this it becomes easier to know what you want and how to go for it!

On a personal note I'll be doing the above so know that you are not alone when doing this! I'm looking forward to it and also looking forward to the new direction it will bring, so I hope you do too!

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