Monday, May 30, 2011

Getting in the right frame of mind

It's Monday. Most people associate the day Monday with going back work, school, beginning a tough week...generally it is quite negative. I woke up thinking 'another week' and then thought, 'what if this week was fantastic?'. Not a common thought I know, but what if? What if this was the most amazing week and it turned out Monday became the best day ever?
How could I repeat it if Monday suddenly became associated with the opportunity to have a great week? Perhaps by just waking up and considering the first thought that came into my head, I could alter the whole perspective process on this day. So today is an experiment. It is Monday. I'm thinking positively and resisting the urge to say 'urgh, Monday' and going with the 'great! Monday!' vibe instead. Let's see what happens! : )

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