Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Flower Remedies

(image taken from

Over the years I've tried a number of different approaches to helping oneself heal or mend from various things life throws at you. These curveballs can be serious humdingers if I do say so myself and can knock you off balance in a small or very big way.
During these stressful periods, I've found aromatherapy and flower remedies to be a great help. You may be familiar with rescue remedy, it's more well known and seems to be a cover all distresses type of mix.
In the past year I've begun to use the help of specialists in these fields. Prior to this it was more of a self diagnosis using online sites such as Back Flower remedies. From various descriptions you'd figure out the best flower for the distress and then buy an independent batch of it.
I'm finding it much more productive to go to a specialist in the field though. Having someone familiar with flower properties and someone that create a remedy tailored for your own needs at that time, is invaluable. It is something that I now put down on my list as 'self care' instead of it being a luxury indulgence.
Luckily enough I have a specialist in my locality who is absolutely brilliant at her job, Katie Burton, and she runs the locally.
The difference it has made to my own mental health and wellbeing is definitely measureable for me. Katie also uses Reiki to assist with balancing your energy to facilitate healing which combined with the flower remedies is a powerful combination.
For me personally, knowing that I was allowing my mind and body to process difficult emotions and release them safely with the assistance of properties from a mix of flowers, really helped the healing process of working through grief in many ways.
Many people may shy away from such options and consider them too far out, but the healing properties of flowers and herbs isn't something made up in the last decade or so. I feel it is more a return to a wise way of operating, using nature to restore balance in body and mind. It is defintely something I recommend you at least give a shot once in your life. :)

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