Friday, February 17, 2012

I need a montage!

(image taken from

Tension is who you think you should be. Relaxation is who you are.
~Chinese Proverb

So this is a week full of interesting challenges to say the least. A recent return to study has presented me with a variety of little mountains to climb in the last while. Learning new programmes and catching up with new technology linked with the course has been testing in between fighting my own demons around study.
I'm not unfamiliar with deadlines, but had forgotten about the level of stress that can occur in those headless chicken moments! Just when you think you're moving forward and ticking the box of getting something done, you get feedback. Sometimes it's not easy to hear it but you've gotta hear it. So this week was the feedback of 'bin it'. Knowing and admitting when something isn't working is good. You know when you've put your best foot forward, and deep down you know when you haven't. Sometimes you present things dressed up as your best effort, when really it's a job finished fast to just get it done.
What feedback shows is that people care enough to actually take the time to call you out on this. They can see it isn't your best work or that you're nearly there with the idea but just have to tweak it.
It's reassuring to know there are people in your life that are happy to do this. In case you've come across a similar situation, here are some questions that you can always ask yourself. Although I wouldn't consider my situation a 'hard time', the 3 questions by Deepak Chopra do help to get your head straight and get out of the ego mindset:
1. Is this a problem I should fix, put up with or walk away from?
2. Who can I consult who has solved the same problem successfully?
3. How can I reach deeper into myself for solutions?

It's probably best that you go visit the site to read the questions and Deepaks response in it's proper context. Either way, they're great questions to use to regroup and refocus to move you away from feeling sorry for yourself and into taking positive action.

(Copy and paste the link -

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